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243 Policy Actions

Policies by Current Status
Action on Policies by
Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
Policies by Year
Policies by Current Status
Action on Policies by
Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
Policies by Year
Policies by Current Status
Action on Policies by
Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
Policies by Year
Trump Policy Actions
Sorted by date announced
  1. January 2025

    1. January 20, 2025 2.0

      EO 14165 § 7(c) directs DHS to align southern border policies (including parole) with § 2 of EO

      BorderHumanitarianDetention DHSCBPICE Final/Actual Presidential Orders

      Current Status

    2. January 20, 2025 2.0

      EO 14165 § 2(f) promotes Federal-State partnerships to enforce federal immigration priorities

      InteriorEnforcementBorderDetention DHSCBPICE Final/Actual Presidential Orders

      Current Status

    3. Current Status

    4. January 20, 2025 2.0

      EO 14148 § 2(vv) rescinds Biden executive order that established a database to track federal law enforcement misconduct

      Enforcement AGDOJICECBPTSADHS Final/Actual Presidential OrdersProgram Termination

      Current Status

  1. January 2021

    1. January 19, 2021

      DHS signs labor agreement with AFGE National ICE Council 118, ceding unprecedented policy power to union

      EnforcementDetentionInterior ICE Final/Actual Agency DirectiveChange in Practice
    2. January 13, 2021

      Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) creates Optional Practical Training Employment Compliance Unit

      Workplace EnforcementNon-Immigrant Visas: Student ICEDOL Final/Actual Agency Directive
    3. January 4, 2021

      SEVP issues reminders on enforcement of post-completion OPT and employer information requirement

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Student ICE Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. December 2020

    1. December 29, 2020

      ICE further limits asylum relief for children

      Minors ICE Reported Agency DirectiveChange in Practice
    2. December 16, 2020

      US and the UK sign the Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement

      Border CBPICE Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    3. December 14, 2020

      DHS proposes new system of records "DHS/ALL-046 Counterintelligence Program"

      Enforcement CBPICEUSCISFEMATSADHS Final/Actual Data and Reports

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    4. December 1, 2020

      ICE subpoenas BuzzFeed, demands journalists reveal sources

      Enforcement ICE ReportedRescinded Change in Practice
  1. November 2020

    1. November 27, 2020

      EOIR proposes sweeping changes to rules on motions to reopen/reconsider

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIRICE Proposed Rule
    2. November 24, 2020

      DOS imposes bond pilot program for business, tourists visas from certain countries

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Visitor Bureau of Consular AffairsICE Final/Actual Rule

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    3. November 20, 2020

      ICE announces modification of “External Investigations System of Records”

      Enforcement ICE Proposed Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    4. November 6, 2020

      ICE puts up billboards in North Carolina featuring "at-large public safety threats"

      InteriorSanctuary Restrictions ICE Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    5. November 5, 2020

      AG Barr issues Matter of Negusie, ruling there is no duress exception to "persecutor bar" for asylum and withholding of removal

      Asylum, Withholding and CAT AGEOIRICEUSCIS Final/Actual Adjudication
    6. Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. October 2020

    1. October 21, 2020

      EOIR and USCIS issue final rule expanding criminal bars to asylum and limiting review of discretionary denials of asylum

      Asylum, Withholding and CATHearings and AdjudicationsInteriorBorder CBPICEUSCISEOIRBureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration Final/ActualIn LitigationEnjoined/Vacated Rule

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    2. October 20, 2020

      DHS launches Center for Countering Human Trafficking

      HumanitarianU/T/VAWA ICEDHS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    3. October 2, 2020

      ICE puts up billboards in Pennsylvania featuring "at-large immigration violators"

      InteriorSanctuary Restrictions ICE Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Not in effect
  1. September 2020

    1. September 25, 2020

      ICE modifies enforcement efforts during COVID-19

      Interior ICE Final/Actual Change in Practice
  1. August 2020

    1. August 28, 2020

      ICE reviews SEVIS records for OPT students who have not reported employer information

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Student ICE Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. August 21, 2020

      USCIS updates its policy manual with guidance on terminating asylee status at adjustment of status

      Asylum, Withholding and CAT USCISICEEOIR Final/Actual Agency DirectiveChange in Practice

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. July 2020

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