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14 Policy Actions

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Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
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Policies by Current Status
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Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
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Trump Policy Actions
Sorted by date announced
  1. January 2021

    1. January 13, 2021

      EOIR announces interactive Policy Manual to access BIA and Immigration Court Practice Manuals

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. December 2020

    1. December 18, 2020

      EOIR dramatically increases fees for appeals, applications, and motions

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Final/ActualIn Litigation Rule

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    2. December 11, 2020

      EOIR Director instructs IJs and BIA on significant asylum reg

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    3. December 4, 2020

      EOIR proposes to mandate electronic filing, change procedures on law student representation

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Proposed Forms and Information CollectionRule

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    4. December 1, 2020

      EOIR Director creates master calendar rules specifically for non-detained, represented cases

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Final/Actual Agency DirectiveChange in Practice

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. September 2020

    1. September 30, 2020

      EOIR proposes regulatory change to allow some preparation assistance by representatives without a full appearance

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Proposed Forms and Information CollectionRule
    2. September 22, 2020

      EOIR proposes revisions to Form EOIR-27, Entry of Appearance as Attorney/Representative Before BIA

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Proposed Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. March 2020

    1. March 23, 2020

      COVID-19: DHS and EOIR jointly announce rescheduling of MPP hearings

      Asylum, Withholding and CATHearings and Adjudications ICEEOIR Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. January 2020

    1. January 17, 2020

      EOIR Director expands restrictions on immigration judges' public speaking

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIRDOJ Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. February 2019

    1. February 12, 2019

      ICE issues guidance on Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP)

      BorderAsylum, Withholding and CAT ICEEOIR Final/ActualIn Litigation Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. November 2018

    1. November 16, 2018

      EOIR Director orders courts to track 'family unit' cases, complete them within a year

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. June 2018

    1. June 21, 2018

      CBP announces end to family separations based on border prosecutions

      Border CBPICEEOIRORRDOD Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. March 2018

    1. March 30, 2018

      EOIR imposes IJ quotas and deadlines

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. August 2017

    1. August 16, 2017

      ORR announces Community Safety Initiative to review unaccompanied minor policies

      MinorsInterior ORRICEDOJState & Local Entities Final/ActualIn Litigation Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect

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