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297 Policy Actions

Policies by Current Status
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Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
Policies by Year
Policies by Current Status
Action on Policies by
Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
Policies by Year
Trump Policy Actions
Sorted by date announced
  1. April 2019

    1. April 1, 2019

      DOL publishes interim final rule on CW-1 visa

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISDOL Final/Actual Rule

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. April 1, 2019

      USCIS denies H-1B petitions at higher rates

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Change in Practice
  1. March 2019

    1. March 15, 2019

      DOL imposes new LCA electronic notice obligations on employers and end-clients

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISDOL Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. February 2019

    1. February 26, 2019

      DOL plans to randomize processing of H-2B visa applications, rather than first-come-first-serve

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISDOL Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. February 11, 2019

      USCIS requires biometrics for all applicants submitting Form I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status

      Non-Immigrant Visas USCIS Final/ActualRescinded Change in PracticeForms and Information Collection
    3. February 5, 2019

      USCIS closes field office in Moscow, Russia

      Non-Immigrant Visas USCISBureau of Consular Affairs Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    4. February 1, 2019

      USCIS requests comment on proposed revisions to Form I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record

      Immigrant VisasNon-Immigrant VisasBorder USCIS Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. January 2019

    1. January 31, 2019

      USCIS Imposes H-1B Pre-Registration Process for Cap Lottery; Prioritizes Advanced Degree Holders

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Rule
    2. January 31, 2019

      DHS and DOS impose visa sanctions on Ghana

      Non-Immigrant Visas USCISBureau of Consular Affairs Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    3. January 18, 2019

      DHS removes Ethiopia and Philippines from H-2A and H-2B eligible list, removes Dominican Republic from H-2B list

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive
    4. January 16, 2019

      USCIS updates guidance regarding secure identity documents

      Immigrant VisasNon-Immigrant VisasCitizenship USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. December 2018

    1. December 21, 2018

      USCIS eliminates certain Service Center e-mail addresses

      Non-Immigrant VisasImmigrant Visas USCIS Final/Actual Change in Practice
    2. December 11, 2018

      USCIS proposes revisions to Form G-639, FOIA/Privacy Act Request

      Immigrant VisasNon-Immigrant VisasHumanitarian USCISDHS Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection
  1. November 2018

    1. November 19, 2018

      DOL explains differences in new revised Form ETA-9035/9035E

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. November 16, 2018

      USCIS consolidates data on its website into one page entitled Immigration and Citizenship Data

      CitizenshipImmigrant VisasNon-Immigrant VisasHumanitarian USCIS Final/Actual Data and Reports

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    3. November 15, 2018

      USCIS issues guidance on L-1 one-year foreign employment requirement

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. October 2018

    1. October 30, 2018

      DOL updates H-1B labor condition application form

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISDOL Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. October 26, 2018

      ICE changes unemployment calculations for students while on post-completion/STEM OPT

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Student ICEUSCIS Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    3. October 25, 2018

      DOL proposes revisions to forms associated with H-2A temporary agricultural employment-based visa program

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    4. October 24, 2018

      DOL modifies iCERT application process for H-2A/H-2B

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    5. October 19, 2018

      DOL plans to propose a rule amending H-2B regulations on certain jobs

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL In Regulatory Agenda Rule

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    6. October 1, 2018

      USCIS issues guidance for certain H-2B foreign workers in Guam and Northern Mariana Islands

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive
    7. October 1, 2018

      DOS stops issuing diplomatic visas to unmarried same-sex partners

      Non-Immigrant Visas Bureau of Consular Affairs Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. September 2018

    1. September 28, 2018

      USCIS warns students about accrual of unlawful presence if they work after "cap gap" period

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Student USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect

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