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CBP issues guidance for implementing Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP)

  1. Original Date Announced

    January 28, 2019

    CBP releases guidance and guiding principles for Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) implementation via separate memos. The Commissioner McAleenan memo to Field Operations and the Border Patrol states that, pursuant to section 235(b)(2)(C) of the INA, CBP "may return certain applicants for admission to the contiguous country from which they are arriving on land (whether or not at a designated port of entry)" pending removal proceedings. [ID #68]

    McAleenan Guidance on MPP Implementation Hoffman Guidance on MPP Implementation (San Diego) Guiding Principles for MPP Implementation (San Diego)
  2. Effective Date

    January 28, 2019
  3. Subsequent Trump and Court Action(s)

    • February 28, 2020

      Innovation Law Lab v. Wolf--9th Cir. Opinion

      A federal district court enjoined the MPP policy on April 8, 2019. The Ninth Circuit stayed the injunction pending appeal, and then affirmed it on Feb. 28, 2020. The Supreme Court issued a stay of the injunction on Mar. 11, 2020, and granted certiorari on Oct. 19, 2020. The case was dismissed as moot after the Biden administration took office.
      **Litigation is listed for informational purposes and is not comprehensive. For the current status of legal challenges, check other sources.**

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    • August 13, 2021

      2021.08.13 Texas v. Biden, Case No. 2:21-cv-00067-Z (N.D. Texas, Aug. 13, 2021).

      On August 13, 2021, Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk of the Northern District of Texas, Amarillo Division, enjoined the Biden administration's June 1, 2021, memo terminating MPP, requiring DHS to re-start MPP with monthly status reports to the court. The injunction is nationwide and was stayed for one week for the Biden administration to appeal.

      ** Litigation is listed for informational purposes and is not comprehensive. For the current status of legal challenges, check other sources.**

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    • August 19, 2021

      Texas v. Biden, No. 21-10806 (5th Cir., Aug. 19, 2021).

      On August 19, 2021, the Fifth Circuit denied the government's motion for a stay of Judge Kacsmaryk's nationwide injunction pending appeal.

      ** Litigation is listed for informational purposes and is not comprehensive. For the current status of legal challenges, check other sources.**

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    • August 20, 2021

      Biden v. Texas, No. 21A21 (U.S., August 20, 2021).

      On August 20, 2021, Justice Alito temporarily stayed Judge Kacsmaryk's nationwide injunction until August 24, 2021, "so that the full Court can consider the application."

      On August 24, the Supreme Court denied the government's motion for an emergency stay.

      ** Litigation is listed for informational purposes and is not comprehensive. For the current status of legal challenges, check other sources.**

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    • June 30, 2022

      2022.06.30 21-954 Biden v. Texas

      On June 30, 2022, the Supreme Court issued Biden v. Texas, reversing the Fifth Circuit and remanding the case. The Court held that the district court erred in issuing an injunction, that rescinding the MPP program did not violate the INA, and that the Biden administration's October 2021 memo rescinding the program for a second time was final agency action that the district court should have reviewed. The case was remanded for further proceedings under the Administrative Procedure Act.

      ** Litigation is listed for informational purposes and is not comprehensive. For the current status of legal challenges, check other sources.**

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    • August 8, 2022

      2022.08.08 Texas v. Biden NDTX order vacating injunction

      On August 8, 2022, the Northern District of Texas vacated its 2021 injunction ordering MPP's reimplementation. The injunction was vacated in accordance with the Supreme Court's June 30, 2022 decision in Biden v. Texas.

      ** Litigation is listed for informational purposes and is not comprehensive. For the current status of legal challenges, check other sources.**

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  5. Biden Administration Action

    January 20, 2021

    DHS Statement on the Suspension of New Enrollments in the Migrant Protection Protocols Program

    This Biden administration policy modifies the Trump-era policy identified in this entry.

    On January 20, 2021, DHS announced a halt to new enrollments in the MPP program: “Effective tomorrow, January 21, the Department will cease adding individuals into the program. However, current COVID-19 non-essential travel restrictions, both at the border and in the region, remain in place at this time. All current MPP participants should remain where they are, pending further official information from U.S. government officials.”

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  6. Biden Administration Action: Revoked/Replaced

    June 1, 2021

    2021.06.01 Termination of the Migrant Protection Protocols Program

    This Biden administration policy revokes in its entirety the Trump-era policy identified in this entry.

    On June 1, 2021, DHS issued a policy memorandum signed by Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas terminating the MPP program. The memorandum instructs DHS personnel to take the necessary steps to rescind related implementing guidance and other policy guidance.

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  7. Biden Administration Action: Revoked/Replaced

    October 29, 2021

    2021.10.29 MPP Termination Memo and Justification

    This Biden administration policy memo again revokes in its entirety the Trump-era policy identified in this entry.

    On October 29, 2021, DHS Secretary Mayorkas issued a new memo terminating the MPP program. The Biden administration remained, however, under an injunction requiring that it implement MPP in good faith.

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  8. Biden Administration Action: Approved/Retained

    December 2, 2021

    2021.12.02 Guidance regarding the Court-Ordered Reimplementation of the Migrant Protection Protocols

    This Biden administration policy re-implements the Trump-era policy identified in this entry.

    Adhering to the injunction to reimplement MPP, DHS provides updated and comprehensive guidance on its good-faith reimplementation of MPP until the courts vacate the injunction. This guidance includes substantive changes in the implementation of MPP made in consultation with the Government of Mexico.

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  9. Biden Administration Action: Revoked/Replaced

    August 8, 2022

    2022.08.08 Update regarding Court Ordered Reimplementation of the Migrant Protection Protocols

    On August 8, 2022, after the Northern District of Texas vacated its 2021 injunction ordering the Biden administration to reimplement MPP, DHS announced the program's rollback on its website, writing that "[i]ndividuals are no longer being newly enrolled in MPP, and individuals currently in MPP in Mexico will be disenrolled when they return for their next scheduled court date."

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Current Status

Partially in effect

Most Recent Action

August 8, 2022 Action: Revoked/Replaced 2022.08.08 Update regarding Court Ordered Reimplementation of the Migrant Protection Protocols
January 20, 2021
Acted on by Biden Administration
June 1, 2021
Acted on by Biden Administration
October 29, 2021
Acted on by Biden Administration
December 2, 2021
Acted on by Biden Administration
August 8, 2022
Acted on by Biden Administration

Original Trump Policy Status

Trump Administration Action: Agency Directive
Agencies Affected: CBP USCIS

Pre Trump-Era Policies

  • December 23, 2008

    Previously, individuals expressing a fear of return were referred to an asylum officer for a credible or reasonable fear interview, and were permitted to wait in the U.S. pending adjudication of their claim.

    8 U.S. Code § 1158

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