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COVID-19: USCIS issues temporary guidance for certain H-1B foreign medical graduates

  1. Original Date Announced

    May 11, 2020

    COVID-19: USCIS issues temporary guidance relaxing the full-time work requirement for some H-1B foreign medical graduates due to the consequences of the pandemic and allowing some foreign medical graduates the ability to provide tele-health services. The guidance is effective until the end of the declared Public Health Emergency. [ID #601]

    USCIS guidance on H-1B foreign medical graduates with 2-year waiver of foreign residence requirement
  2. Effective Date

    January 27, 2020

Current Status

Fully in Effect

Original Trump Policy Status

Status: Final/Actual
Trump Administration Action: Agency Directive
Agencies Affected: USCIS


  • Roll Call: USCIS eases visa restrictions for some foreign doctors

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