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DOL announces proposed rulemaking and direct final rule on e-filing and e-service for Office of Administrative Law Judges proceedings

  1. Original Date Announced

    January 11, 2021

    DOL announces a notice of proposed rulemaking and a direct final rule which requires e-filing and e-service for persons represented by attorneys or representatives in proceedings before the Office of Administrative Law Judges (OALJ) unless good cause is shown justifying a different form of filing. Self-represented persons will have the option of e-filing or of filing by conventional means. The rule is effective on February 25, 2021 unless significant adverse comment is received by February 10, 2021.

    [ID# 1287]

    Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on E-Filing and E-Service for OALJ Proceedings DOL Direct Final Rule on E-Filing and E-Service for OALJ Proceedings
  3. Biden Administration Action: Revoked/Replaced

    February 25, 2021

    Withdrawal of Direct Final Rule on e-filing

    This Biden administration modifies the Trump-era policy identified in this entry.

    On February 25, 2021, DOL announced withdrawal of this direct final rule due to receipt of significant adverse comment. It also indicated that it will, in a separate notice, reopen for 15 days the comment period on the NPRM that was issued concurrently with the direct final rule.

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  4. Biden Administration Action: Under Study

    March 17, 2021

    2021.03.17 Reopening of Comment Period on E-Filing

    This Biden administration policy modifies the Trump-era policy identified in this entry.

    On March 17, 2021, DOL announced reopening of the comment period of the NPRM that was issued concurrently with the direct final rule. Comments are due April 1, 2021.

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Current Status

Not in effect

Most Recent Action

March 17, 2021 Action: Under Study 2021.03.17 Reopening of Comment Period on E-Filing
February 25, 2021
Acted on by Biden Administration
March 17, 2021
Acted on by Biden Administration

Original Trump Policy Status

Status: Proposed
Trump Administration Action: Rule
Agencies Affected: DOL

Associated or Derivative Policies

Pre Trump-Era Policies

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