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EOIR creates Chief ALJ position at OCAHO

  1. Original Date Announced

    October 7, 2020

    Through an interim final rule, EOIR creates a new position of Chief Administrative Law Judge (CALJ) within the Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer (OCAHO). The rule is intended to delineate the responsibilities and authorities of the CALJ and the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer (CAHO), with the former supervising ALJs and staff and the latter responsible for more managerial and administrative duties. The newly created CALJ position will hear cases and have authority to reassign cases if an ALJ becomes unavailable or is disqualified. The rule would also give the EOIR Director review authority over cases where the CAHO is conflicted out. The rule is timed in anticipation of an expected increase in new case filings, particularly under INA § 274A and § 274B.

    [ID #1093]

    2020.10.07 EOIR IFR Chief ALJ Position for OCAHO
  2. Effective Date

    October 7, 2020

Current Status

Fully in Effect

Original Trump Policy Status

Status: Final/Actual
Trump Administration Action: Rule
Subject Matter: Hearings and Adjudications
Agencies Affected: EOIR


Trump-Era Policy Documents

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