Original Date Announced
October 2, 2019Through Policy Memo 20-02, EOIR establishes policy and procedures for the review of denied recognition and accreditation (R&A) applications. The memo discusses how the Director has the discretionary authority to review requests for reconsideration that have been denied by the Assistant Director for Policy, as well as the process and scope for doing so. The memo also covers how the Director has the discretion to publish R&A precedents and to refer cases to the Attorney General.
[ID #1224]
PM 20-02: Administrative Review of R&A Determinations'Effective Date
October 2, 2019Current Status
Fully in EffectOriginal Trump Policy Status
Status: Final/ActualTrump Administration Action: Agency DirectiveSubject Matter: Hearings and AdjudicationsAgencies Affected: EOIRPre Trump-Era Policies
An EOIR rule published in 2016 effectuated several changes to the R&A Program, including the transfer of responsibility for it from the BIA to OLAP. It also established a reconsideration process and a process for further administrative review by the Director.
Recognition of Organizations and Accreditation of Non-Attorney Representatives
Trump-Era Policy Documents
New Policy
Original Source:
PM 20-02: Administrative Review of R&A Determinations'
- Prior Policy
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To provide information, corrections, or feedback, please email IPTP.feedback@gmail.com