Original Date Announced
March 29, 2019Through Policy Memo, 19-11, the EOIR Director mandates that immigration courtrooms should be in use at all times and may not be empty, absent the unavailability of any judge to use it (either in person or through VTC). The directive also instructs supervisory IJs to schedule and hold hearings themselves to prevent the courtrooms from being empty.
[ID #203]
No Dark CourtroomsEffective Date
May 1, 2019Current Status
Fully in EffectOriginal Trump Policy Status
Status: Final/ActualTrump Administration Actions: Agency Directive Change in PracticeSubject Matter: Hearings and AdjudicationsAgencies Affected: EOIR
Trump-Era Policy Documents
New Policy
Original Source:
PM 19-11: No Dark Courtrooms
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To provide information, corrections, or feedback, please email IPTP.feedback@gmail.com