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New EOIR regs restrict admin closure, curtail BIA decisional authorities, and truncate briefing

  1. Original Date Announced

    December 16, 2020

    EOIR finalizes regulations that create several restrictions on how BIA decides and processes appeals, imposes restrictions on motions rulings, and truncates the briefing process. Among the many changes, the new regulations:

    • Forbid the BIA and the IJs from administratively closing cases, except in limited circumstances (thus retreating from established case law).
    • Limit the BIA's authority to reopen a case sua sponte to the correction of “minor mistakes” (thus preventing the BIA from entertaining cases where a respondent's motion to reopen is time- or number-barred), and prohibit the BIA from sua sponte remanding a case for further factfinding, absent narrow circumstances involving jurisdiction, errors of law, and issues preserved for appeal.
    • Prohibit the BIA from receiving new evidence, receiving a motion to remand based on new evidence, or remanding a case for an immigration judge to consider new evidence.
    • Prohibit the BIA from remanding a case for voluntary departure, and provides the BIA with the authority to grant voluntary departure in the first instance.
    • Require simultaneous briefing in non-detained cases (digressing from the long-standing practice of sequential briefing).
    • Restrict the BIA's ability to grant briefing extensions, limiting parties to a single briefing extension and a maximum of 14 additional days.
    • Require the BIA to screen cases for summary dismissal within 14 days of filing (changing BIA case processing to prioritize and expedite summary dismissals).
    • Permit the BIA to affirm an IJ decision "on any basis" in the record including any basis supported by the facts that are not disputed (as opposed to current law, which limits the BIA to express rulings made by the IJ). Allows the BIA to take administrative notice of facts “that are not reasonably subject to dispute.”
    • Allow IJs to 'certify' BIA decisions to the EOIR Director for review (thus creating a new mechanism that functionally allows IJs to 'appeal' a BIA decision they disagree with), and allows the Director to require the parties brief the certified case.
    • Prohibit IJs from considering any issues beyond the scope of the BIA's remand.

    [ID #1023]

    Appellate Procedures and Decisional Finality, 85 Fed. Reg. 81588
  2. Effective Date

    January 15, 2021
  4. Biden Administration Action: Under Study

    November 1, 2021

    Appellate Procedures and Decisional Finality in Immigration Proceedings; Administrative Closure

    With this notice in the Fall 2021 Unified Regulatory Agenda, DOJ announced its intention to rescind or modify the enjoined Trump administration regulations regarding finality of case disposition at both the immigration court and appellate levels.

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  5. Biden Administration Action: Proposed Revocation/Replacement/Modification

    September 8, 2023

    2023.09.08 Appellate Procedures and Decisional Finality in Immigration Proceedings; Administrative Closure

    This proposed rule by the Biden administration's Executive Office for Immigration Review would restore longstanding procedures in place prior to the Trump administration's AA96 Final Rule, including administrative closure of cases by Immigration Judges and the Board of Immigration Appeals, and would clarify and codify other established practices. Given the injunction in place, the proposed regulatory language largely reflects the currently operative status quo.

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  6. Biden Administration Action: Revoked/Replaced

    May 29, 2024

    2024.5.16 Efficient Case and Docket Management in Immigration Proceedings

    This Biden Administration action finalizes the revocation of the Trump Administration action identified in this entry.

    EOIR adopted the September 2023 proposed rule with the following changes:

    1. To the list of factors EOIR adjudicators must consider when adjudicating administrative closure and recalendaring, the final rule adds "ICE detention status of the noncitizen"
    2. The proposed rule is modified to explicitly state that EOIR adjudicators must consider the reason discretionary termination is sought and the basis for any opposition to termination when adjudicating a motion to terminate.
    3. The proposed rule’s discretionary termination ground relating to cases implicating USCIS’s exercise of initial asylum jurisdiction under INA 208(b)(3)(C), 8 U.S.C. 1158(b)(3)(C), is modified in two ways. First, the ground was modified to apply not only to children determined by EOIR to be unaccompanied children under 8 CFR 1001.1(hh), but also to cases in which USCIS would consider their asylum application as one filed by an unaccompanied child such that USCIS would have initial jurisdiction. Second, the proposed rule was modified to require the filing of an asylum application with USCIS before an EOIR adjudicator may grant discretionary termination, to ensure that relevant noncitizens in removal proceedings have a pending application on file with USCIS before any EOIR proceedings are terminated.
    4. The final rule does not finalize the discretionary termination ground that cross-references DHS provisions related to T and U visas as proposed in the proposed rule.
    5. The proposed rule is modified to make clear that a motion from a party is required before an EOIR adjudicator may terminate a case in the exercise of discretion.
    6. The final rule revises the provisions on discretionary termination on the basis of prima facie eligibility to naturalize. To better align with the statutory provision precluding consideration of a naturalization application where a removal proceeding is pending, with respect to this narrow category of motions for discretionary termination, the final rule precludes EOIR adjudicators from granting the motion if DHS assesses that the noncitizen should remain in EOIR proceedings given the circumstances of the particular case, and if DHS then communicates that assessment to the adjudicator by opposing a motion to terminate.
    7. The final rule modifies the discretionary termination ground focusing on petitions, applications, or other actions that a noncitizen pursues with USCIS seeking relief from removal or lawful status, to include language requiring that the noncitizen has filed such application, petition, or other action before termination may be granted.
    8. The final rule modifies the grounds for discretionary termination in removal, deportation, and exclusion proceedings to clarify that EOIR adjudicators may not terminate a case in the exercise of discretion for a noncitizen to pursue an asylum application before USCIS, unless the noncitizen has filed an asylum application with USCIS pursuant to section 208(b)(3)(C) of the Act, 8 U.S.C. 1158(b)(3)(C), pertaining to unaccompanied children, as defined in 8 CFR 1001.1(hh).
    9. The final rule modifies 8 CFR 1240.26(k)(4) to state that the Board shall advise the noncitizen of the duty to post any voluntary departure bond with the ICE Field Office Director within 30 business days of the Board’s order granting voluntary departure.
    10. The final rule non-substantively updates the “noncitizen” definition in the proposed rule to better clarify that “noncitizen” is synonymous with the statutory term “alien.”
    11. The final rule adopts a provision clarifying the application of Matter of Thomas & Thompson and instructing adjudicators to recognize certain types of defects.
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Current Status

Not in effect

Most Recent Action

May 29, 2024 Action: Revoked/Replaced 2024.5.16 Efficient Case and Docket Management in Immigration Proceedings
November 1, 2021
Acted on by Biden Administration
September 8, 2023
Acted on by Biden Administration
May 29, 2024
Acted on by Biden Administration

Original Trump Policy Status

Trump Administration Action: Rule
Subject Matter: Hearings and Adjudications
Agencies Affected: EOIR

Pre Trump-Era Policies


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