Original Date Announced
November 20, 2020ICE announces modification of the “DHS/ICE-009 External Investigations System of Records,“ which is used for the collection and maintenance of records by ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). This system of records covers information related to external audits, inquiries, and investigations pertaining to suspected violations of laws regulating the movement of people and goods into and out of the United States. DHS/ICE is updating this system of records to revise the purpose, update and expand the category of individuals, add new categories of records, modify and add to routine uses, update the records retention policies, and make non-substantive formatting changes. Comments are due Dec. 21, 2020.
[ID #1185]
ICE Notice of Modification of “External Investigations System of Records"Effective Date
November 20, 2020Current Status
Fully in EffectOriginal Trump Policy Status
Status: ProposedTrump Administration Action: Forms and Information CollectionSubject Matter: EnforcementAgencies Affected: ICE
Trump-Era Policy Documents
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To provide information, corrections, or feedback, please email IPTP.feedback@gmail.com