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ICE launches Warrant Service Officer program, empowering local law enforcement

  1. Original Date Announced

    May 6, 2019

    The Warrant Service Officer (WSO) program empowers local law enforcement to serve an administrative warrant and execute an arrest within the confines of the jail at which they work, and ICE will have 48 hours to take the individual into custody. The program is intended for local law ­enforcement that wish to honor immigration detainers but are prohibited due to state and local policies that limit cooperation with the agency and rural jurisdictions that lack the budget and personnel resources to become 287(g) partners. [ID #397]

    ICE launches program to strengthen immigration enforcement
  2. Effective Date

    May 6, 2019

Current Status

Fully in Effect

Original Trump Policy Status

Status: Final/Actual
Trump Administration Action: Agency Directive
Agencies Affected: ICE


  • ICE provides local police a way to work around ‘sanctuary’ policies, act as immigration officers

    The new Warrant Service Officer program, introduced Monday in Pinellas County on Florida’s Gulf Coast, will allow participating sheriffs and police departments “the flexibility to make immigration arrests,” according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The move would allow local authorities to detain criminal suspects beyond the point at which they would have been otherwise released if ICE has requested their detention, essentially giving ICE an extra 48 hours to take them into federal custody. Go to article
  • Immigrant Legal Resource Center: Understanding ICE’s Warrant Service Officer Program

    FAQ about ICE’s newest model of 287(g), the Warrant Service Officer (WSO) program. Go to article


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