Original Date Announced
January 24, 2020The iCERT labor certification registry will switch to a read-only mode (to view, download, and copy info) as DOL decommissions the system which is being replaced by the Foreign Labor Application Gateway (FLAG) System. [ID #582]
OFLC Announces Schedule for the Initial Phase of Decommissioning the iCERT SystemEffective Date
February 28, 2020Subsequent Trump and Court Action(s)
April 8, 2020
Final Decommissioning of iCERT
On April 8, 2020, OFLC announces final phase of decommissioning of iCERT. iCERT will be no longer accessible on May 1, 2020. View Document
Current Status
Fully in EffectOriginal Trump Policy Status
Status: Final/ActualTrump Administration Action: Change in PracticeAgencies Affected: DOL
Trump-Era Policy Documents
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To provide information, corrections, or feedback, please email IPTP.feedback@gmail.com