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EO 14159 § 18 directs DHS to issue guidance to maximize compliance by DHS personnel with information sharing provisions

  1. Original Date Announced

    January 20, 2025

    Section 18 of Presidential EO 14159, "Protecting the American People Against Invasion," directs DHS to issue guidance ensuring "maximum compliance" by DHS personnel "with the provisions of 8 U.S.C. 1373 [Communication between government agencies and the INS] and 8 U.S.C. 1644 [Communication between State and local government agencies and INS]."

    Section 18 also directs DHS to issue guidance ensuring "State and local governments are provided with the information necessary to fulfill law enforcement, citizenship, or immigration status verification requirements authorized by law."

    Trump 2.0 [ID # 1392]

    2025.01.20 EO 14159 - Protecting the American People Against Invasion
  2. Effective Date

    January 20, 2025

Current Status


Original Trump Policy Status

Status: Final/Actual
Trump Administration Action: Presidential Orders
Subject Matter: Enforcement Interior
Agencies Affected: DHS

Associated or Derivative Policies


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