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POTUS issues Executive Order on Hong Kong, affecting visas

  1. Original Date Announced

    July 14, 2020

    POTUS issues an executive order 13936 "on Hong Kong Normalization." The executive order impacts immigrant and nonimmigrant visas. Hong Kong-born foreign nationals will now fall into China's green card quota, not the Worldwide quota, subjecting them to greater immigrant visa backlogs. H, L, and O visas now have shorter visa validity periods, and L visas now require a $120 reciprocity fee. [ID #1026]

    Executive Order 13936 on Hong Kong Normalization
  2. Effective Date

    July 29, 2020

Current Status

Fully in Effect

Original Trump Policy Status

Status: Final/Actual
Trump Administration Action: Presidential Orders
Agencies Affected: Bureau of Consular Affairs


Trump-Era Policy Documents

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