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State Department issues guidance on issuing visas for less than full reciprocity period

  1. Original Date Announced

    January 26, 2018

    The State Department revises the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) to emphasize that consular officers should make a case-by-case determination on whether to issue a visa for less than the full period of time (or the full number of admissions) specified in the reciprocity table. The guidance suggests that issuing a visa for a shorter period might be appropriate when the applicant's immediate bona fides are not in question but their longer-term eligibility is less clear. [ID #707]

    DOS Foreign Affairs Manual: Update to 9 FAM 403.9-4 Validity of Nonimmigrant Visas
  2. Effective Date

    January 26, 2018

Current Status

Fully in Effect

Original Trump Policy Status

Status: Final/Actual
Trump Administration Action: Agency Directive
Subject Matter: Non-Immigrant Visas
Agencies Affected: Bureau of Consular Affairs


Trump-Era Policy Documents

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