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USCIS clarifies marriage and marital union requirements for naturalization

  1. Original Date Announced

    October 12, 2018

    USCIS guidance clarifies that the applicant spouse and his or her U.S. citizen spouse must have been living in marital union for at least three years immediately preceding the date of filing for naturalization and that termination of the marriage at any time before the applicant takes the Oath of Allegiance for naturalization makes the applicant ineligible under INA § 319(a). [ID #633]

    USCIS Policy Alert 2018-08
  2. Effective Date

    October 12, 2018

Current Status

Fully in Effect

Original Trump Policy Status

Status: Final/Actual
Trump Administration Action: Agency Directive
Subject Matter: Citizenship
Agencies Affected: USCIS


Trump-Era Policy Documents

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