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USCIS issues new guidance re establishing satisfaction of educational eligibility requirements for visas

  1. Original Date Announced

    April 17, 2017

    USCIS issues policy directive based on AAO decision *Matter of O-A-, Inc*. When a beneficiary of second employment-based preference petition seeks to demonstrate satisfaction of educational eligibility requirements through a provisional certificate, USCIS must conduct a case-specific analysis to determine whether, at the time the provisional certificate was issued, beneficiary had met all the substantive requirements to earn a degree and the university or college has approved the degree. If so, the date in which the provisional certificate was issued may be used as the start date for calculating post-baccalaurate experience. [ID #683]

    USCIS Policy Memo (PM-602-0144): *Matter of A-O- Inc.*, Adopted Decision 2017-03
  2. Effective Date

    April 17, 2017

Current Status

Fully in Effect

Original Trump Policy Status

Status: Final/Actual
Trump Administration Actions: Adjudication Agency Directive
Agencies Affected: USCIS


Trump-Era Policy Documents

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