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USCIS removes asylum officer training documents from USCIS website

  1. Original Date Announced

    May 29, 2018

    Between March and April 2017, 26 documents pertaining to training asylum officers are removed from the USCIS website. The documents were for personnel charged with reviewing and vetting asylum claims under international agreements and provisions of U.S. law. Although some related material can be found elsewhere on the USCIS domain, the agency did not announce the removals or create a comprehensive archive of the resources. [ID #36]

  2. Effective Date

    April 30, 2017

Current Status

Fully in Effect

Original Trump Policy Status

Status: Reported
Trump Administration Action: Change in Practice
Subject Matter: Asylum, Withholding and CAT
Agencies Affected: USCIS

Pre Trump-Era Policies


Trump-Era Policy Documents

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