Original Date Announced
September 2, 2019Briefly suspended in August 2019, USCIS reopens consideration of deferred action requests by non-citizens facing removal and seeking to remain in the U.S. while they or an immediate family member received medical treatment. USCIS annnounced it would send letters reopening cases that were pending on August 7, 2019 when the program was terminated. [ID #111]
USCIS Re-Opens Previously Pending Deferral RequestsEffective Date
September 2, 2019Subsequent Trump and Court Action(s)
September 19, 2019
AILA | Update: USCIS Resumes Accepting and Adjudicating Deferred Action Applications for Non-Military Applicants
On September 19, 2019, Acting DHS Secretary stated USCIS would resume “consideration of non-military deferred action requests on a discretionary, case-by-case basis, except as otherwise required by an applicable statute, regulation, or court order.”
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Current Status
Fully in EffectOriginal Trump Policy Status
Trump Administration Action: Change in PracticeSubject Matter: HumanitarianPre Trump-Era Policies
Deferred action, in one form or another, dates back to at least the 1960s. Deferred action guidance was previously contained in the legacy Immigration and Naturalization Service, Operation Instructions § 103.l(a)(l)(ii) (1975).
Trump-Era Policy Documents
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To provide information, corrections, or feedback, please email IPTP.feedback@gmail.com
USCIS’s Elimination of Non-Military Deferred Action at Local USCIS Offices
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