Original Date Announced
May 30, 2018USCIS announces the launch of the FOIA Immigration Records SysTem (FIRST), which will eventually allow all FOIA requestors to track their requests through a USCIS online account and receive their documents digitally. In the first phase, FOIA requestors who have an immigration court date pending and file a request for documents can create an account within myUSCIS to receive the documents digitally. USCIS plans to expand this service to all requestors in the coming months. Before this change, USCIS only accepted FOIA requests by mail, fax, and email, and requestors typically received their documents on a compact disc by mail. [ID #891]
USCIS News Release: USCIS to Implement Online Processing of FOIA RequestsSubsequent Trump and Court Action(s)
July 24, 2018
USCIS News Release: USCIS Continues to Expand Digital Delivery of FOIA Requests
USCIS introduces the second phase of FIRST. View Document -
June 25, 2019
USCIS Expands FIRST: A Fully Digital FOIA System
USCIS announces the continued expansion of FIRST. Effective June 25, 2019, FOIA requestors with a USCIS online account can submit requests online for their own records. View Document
Current Status
Fully in EffectOriginal Trump Policy Status
Status: Final/ActualTrump Administration Actions: Agency Directive Change in Practice Forms and Information CollectionSubject Matter: Immigrant Visas Non-Immigrant Visas Humanitarian CitizenshipAgencies Affected: USCIS
Trump-Era Policy Documents
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To provide information, corrections, or feedback, please email IPTP.feedback@gmail.com