Original Date Announced
December 8, 2020USCIS provides a "technical update" to clarify Nationality Chart 2 in Vol. 12, Part H., Chapter 3 of the Policy Manual, which is found in the appendices to the chapter. The update clarifies the acquisition of citizenship requirements for children born out of wedlock before May 24, 1934. The relevant portion of the chart now reads: "The mother resided in the United States at any time before the child’s birth," including a footnote citing to INA 301(h), added by the Immigration and Nationality Technical Corrections Act of 1994 (INTCA).
[ID # 1228]
2020.12.08 Technical Update - Clarifying Acquisition of Citizenship Requirement in Nationality Chart 2 for Children Born Out of Wedlock Before May 24, 1934 2020.12.08 USCIS Policy Manual Update - Nationality Chart 2Effective Date
December 8, 2020Current Status
Fully in EffectOriginal Trump Policy Status
Status: Final/ActualTrump Administration Action: Agency DirectiveSubject Matter: CitizenshipAgencies Affected: USCISPre Trump-Era Policies
May 8, 2019
Prior to this change, the relevant portion of Nationality Chart 2 read:
"The child was born an alien. HOWEVER, the child became a U.S. citizen (USC) retroactively to birth, effective on Jan. 13, 1941, if the child's mother resided in the United States or Outlying Possession (OLP) prior to the child's birth, UNLESS the child was legitimated by the alien father prior to Jan. 13, 1941."
2019.05.08 Chapter 3 - United States Citizens at Birth (INA 301 and 309) - Nationality Chart 2
Trump-Era Policy Documents
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To provide information, corrections, or feedback, please email IPTP.feedback@gmail.com