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469 Policy Actions

Policies by Current Status
Action on Policies by
Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
Policies by Year
Trump Policy Actions
Sorted by date announced
  1. December 2019

    1. December 20, 2019

      USCIS issues guidance to clarify the effect of travel by TPS beneficiaries with final orders

      TPSImmigrant Visas USCISICEEOIR Final/Actual Agency Directive
    2. December 19, 2019

      DOL announces AEWR annual update for H-2A herding and livestock range workers

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISDOL Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    3. December 18, 2019

      USCIS requests comments on proposed revisions to Form I-131A, Application for Carrier Documentation

      Immigrant Visas USCIS Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    4. December 18, 2019

      USCIS requests comments on new information collection, Form G-1552, regarding sponsor deeming and agency reimbursement

      Immigrant Visas USCIS Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    5. December 13, 2019

      USCIS issues policy guidance on "unlawful acts" for good moral character evaluations

      Citizenship USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    6. December 10, 2019

      USCIS issues policy guidance regarding post-sentencing changes and DUI convictions

      Citizenship USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    7. December 6, 2019

      Reported: EOIR expands use of "tent courts" along Southern Border

      HumanitarianAsylum, Withholding and CATBorderHearings and Adjudications USCISEOIRCBPICE Reported Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    8. December 6, 2019

      USCIS proposes substantial changes to the USCIS motions and appeals process (Form I-290B)

      Non-Immigrant VisasImmigrant VisasHumanitarian USCIS Proposed Forms and Information Collection
  1. November 2019

    1. November 21, 2019

      USCIS issues policy guidance on adjustment for terminated Conditional Permanent Residents

      Immigrant Visas: Family-BasedImmigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. November 21, 2019

      Reported: USCIS threatens consequences for staff leaking information

      Humanitarian USCIS Reported Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    3. November 19, 2019

      Interim final rule modifies existing regulations to implement the Asylum Cooperative Agreements

      BorderAsylum, Withholding and CAT EOIRUSCISCBPDOS Final/ActualIn Litigation Rule
    4. November 19, 2019

      EOIR memorializes policy regarding joint rule on the implementation of Asylum Cooperative Agreements

      Asylum, Withholding and CATBorderHearings and Adjudications USCISEOIRICE Final/ActualIn Litigation Agency Directive
    5. November 19, 2019

      USCIS issues policy guidance on Special Immigrant Juvenile classification

      Immigrant Visas: Special ImmigrantMinorsHumanitarian USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive
    6. November 15, 2019

      DOL & USCIS final rule eliminates print ads for H-2B recruitment

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISDOL Final/Actual Rule

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    7. November 8, 2019

      USCIS publishes final rule requiring $10 fee per registration for H-1B cap selection process

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Rule
    8. November 6, 2019

      DHS begins implementing the Humanitarian Asylum Review Program

      Asylum, Withholding and CATBorderHearings and Adjudications USCISCBPEOIR Final/ActualIn Litigation Change in Practice
    9. November 1, 2019

      POTUS reduces refugee admissions to 18,000 for Fiscal Year 2020

      Refugees Bureau of Population, Refugees, and MigrationUSCISORR Final/Actual Presidential Orders

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. October 2019

    1. October 31, 2019

      State Department clarifies standard of review for blanket L visa applications

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISBureau of Consular Affairs Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    3. October 24, 2019

      USCIS updates AFM with sample notice of filing an Application for a Permanent Employment Certification

      Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISDOL Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    4. October 16, 2019

      USCIS reopens comment period for 2011 proposed rule amending eligibility and procedures for Special Immigrant Juvenile Petitions

      Immigrant Visas: Special ImmigrantMinorsHumanitarian USCIS Proposed Rule

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    5. October 15, 2019

      USCIS clarifies requirements for Special Immigrant Juvenile Classification

      Immigrant Visas: Special ImmigrantMinorsHumanitarian USCIS Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    6. October 11, 2019

      State Department acts on 'Public Charge' changes, including issuing Interim Final Rule

      Non-Immigrant VisasImmigrant Visas USCISBureau of Consular Affairs Final/ActualIn LitigationEnjoined/VacatedRescinded Rule
    7. October 7, 2019

      DHS begins implementing the Prompt Asylum Claim Review program

      Asylum, Withholding and CATBorderDetentionHearings and Adjudications CBPUSCISEOIR Final/ActualIn Litigation Change in Practice
    8. October 4, 2019

      POTUS issues proclamation suspending entry of immigrants unable to obtain health care

      Immigrant Visas CBPUSCISBureau of Consular Affairs In Litigation Presidential Orders

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