Original Date Announced
February 10, 2020DHS is proposing to amend certain CBP and USCIS forms to collect information regarding the social media platforms used by applicants during the past five years and to collect social media identifiers. DHS intends to collect this information from the following CBP program/forms: Form I-94W, EVUS, and ESTA, as well as the following USCIS forms: N-400, I-131, I-192, I-485, I-589, I-590, I-730, I-751, I-829. [ID #1048]
Supporting Statement Submitted to OMB Agency Information Collection Activities: Generic Clearance for the Collection of Social Media Information on Immigration and Foreign Travel FormsBiden Administration Action: Revoked/Replaced
April 2, 2021OMB Disapproval
This Biden Administration disapproved the Trump-era policy identified in this entry, preventing it from taking effect.
On 04/02/2021, OIRA disapproved this information collection request in part because the agency did not "adequately demonstrate the practical utility of collecting this information." OIRA further noted that "the Executive Order directing the collection of this information has also been rescinded."
View DocumentCurrent Status
Not in effectMost Recent Action
April 2, 2021 Action: Revoked/Replaced OMB DisapprovalApril 2, 2021Acted on by Biden Administration
Original Trump Policy Status
Status: ProposedTrump Administration Action: Forms and Information CollectionSubject Matter: Immigrant Visas Non-Immigrant Visas NaturalizationAssociated or Derivative Policies
Trump-Era Policy Documents
Biden Administration Policy Documents
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To provide information, corrections, or feedback, please email IPTP.feedback@gmail.com
Brennan Center for Justice and 41 other privacy, civil rights, and immigrants’ rights organizations submit joint comment opposing social media collection
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