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662 Policy Actions

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Policies by Current Status
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Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
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Trump Policy Actions
Sorted by date announced
  1. January 2018

    1. January 17, 2018

      ICE enters into Basic Ordering Agreements with Florida sheriffs

      Interior ICE Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. January 10, 2018

      ICE publishes three-prong policy to enforce compliance with employment requirements

      Employment VerificationWorkplace Enforcement ICE Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    3. January 5, 2018

      USCIS requires federal contractors with a FAR requirement to provide their DUNS system during E-verify enrollment

      Employment Verification USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    4. January 5, 2018

      CBP expands website feature on Visa Waiver Program

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Visitor CBP Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    5. January 5, 2018

      State Department expands travel restrictions for Eritreans

      Non-Immigrant Visas: StudentNon-Immigrant Visas: VisitorNon-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based ICEUSCISDOS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    6. January 4, 2018

      CBP issues new directive on border search of electronic devices

      Border CBP Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    7. January 4, 2018

      DHS issues Privacy Impact Assessment Update on seaches of electronic devices

      Border CBP Final/Actual Data and Reports

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. December 2017

    1. December 29, 2017

      USCIS clarifies requirements for establishing corporate relationship for L-1 visa

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. December 22, 2017

      ICE gains access to nationwide license plate reader database

      Interior ICE Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    3. Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    4. December 20, 2017

      EOIR issues new guidance on cases subject to the cancellation/suspension cap

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    5. December 15, 2017

      DHS adds requirements for countries to participate in Visa Waiver Program

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Visitor CBPUSCISBureau of Consular Affairs Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    6. December 5, 2017

      DOJ provides backgrounder on EOIR’s strategic caseload reduction plan

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    7. Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    8. December 2, 2017

      U.S. ends participation in Global Compact on Migration

      RefugeesImmigrant Visas USCISBureau of Consular AffairsBureau of Population, Refugees, and MigrationOther Final/Actual Program Termination

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. November 2017

    1. November 22, 2017

      Administration drastically reduces transitional worker visa allotments for Northern Mariana Islands for FY 2017-2019

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. November 21, 2017

      USCIS bars consular certificates as proof of Cuban citizenship

      Immigrant Visas USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    3. November 20, 2017

      USCIS restricts eligibility for TN economist category to professional economists

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    4. November 20, 2017

      USCIS issues new standards for adoption from Hague Convention countries.

      Immigrant Visas: Family-BasedCitizenship USCISBureau of Consular Affairs Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    5. November 16, 2017

      DOS restricts visas for certain Cambodian officials

      Non-Immigrant Visas USCISBureau of Consular Affairs Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    6. November 11, 2017

      USCIS provides that beneficiaries of employment-based immigrant petitions may participate in revocation proceedings

      Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual AdjudicationAgency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    7. November 8, 2017

      USCIS adopts test for identifying "function managers"

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-BasedImmigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual AdjudicationAgency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    8. November 1, 2017

      ICE opposes administrative closure for provisional unlawful presence waiver applicants

      Interior ICE Reported Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. October 2017

    1. October 27, 2017

      DOL allows State Workforce Agency (SWA) to upload responsive documents for H-2A or H-2B applications

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. October 27, 2017

      DHS and SSA reauthorize a computer matching program to identify noncitizens who have left voluntarily or have been removed

      Enforcement DHSSSA Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect

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