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55 Policy Actions

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Policies by Current Status
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Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
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Policies by Current Status
Action on Policies by
Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
Policies by Year
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Trump Policy Actions
Sorted by date announced
  1. January 2025

    1. January 20, 2025 2.0

      EO 14169 "Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid"

      Humanitarian DOSOther Final/ActualIn LitigationEnjoined/Vacated Presidential Orders

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. January 2021

    1. January 14, 2021

      USCIS issues policy guidance on discretionary EAD under adjustment or deferred action applications

      Immigrant VisasDACAEnforcement USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    2. January 13, 2021

      EOIR announces interactive Policy Manual to access BIA and Immigration Court Practice Manuals

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. December 2020

    1. December 29, 2020

      COVID-19: USCIS provides update on Application Support Centers

      HumanitarianNon-Immigrant VisasImmigrant Visas USCIS Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    2. December 18, 2020

      EOIR dramatically increases fees for appeals, applications, and motions

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Final/ActualIn Litigation Rule

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    3. December 15, 2020

      USCIS expands interview requirements for refugee/asylee adjustment of status

      Asylum, Withholding and CATRefugeesImmigrant Visas USCIS Final/Actual Agency DirectiveChange in Practice

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    4. December 15, 2020

      COVID-19: USCIS updates stakeholders regarding significant delay in processing receipt notices at USCIS lockbox facilities

      Non-Immigrant VisasHumanitarianImmigrant Visas USCIS Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    5. December 11, 2020

      EOIR Director instructs IJs and BIA on significant asylum reg

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    6. December 4, 2020

      EOIR proposes to mandate electronic filing, change procedures on law student representation

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Proposed Forms and Information CollectionRule

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    7. December 1, 2020

      EOIR Director creates master calendar rules specifically for non-detained, represented cases

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Final/Actual Agency DirectiveChange in Practice

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. November 2020

    1. November 20, 2020

      State Department proposes new rule impacting intercountry adoption

      Immigrant Visas: Family-BasedCitizenship Bureau of Consular Affairs Proposed Rule

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    2. November 19, 2020

      ORR proposes new instruments for information collections relating to the care of unaccompanied children

      Minors ORR Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. October 2020

    1. October 23, 2020

      DOS proposes revisions to Form DS-7794, Electronic Medical Examination

      Immigrant Visas DOS Proposed Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    2. October 1, 2020

      COVID-19: DOS provides information on national interest exceptions for certain travelers from Europe

      Non-Immigrant Visas: StudentNon-Immigrant Visas: Employment-BasedNon-Immigrant Visas: Visitor Bureau of Consular AffairsUSCIS Final/Actual Agency DirectivePresidential Orders

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. September 2020

    1. September 30, 2020

      EOIR proposes regulatory change to allow some preparation assistance by representatives without a full appearance

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Proposed Forms and Information CollectionRule
    2. September 22, 2020

      EOIR proposes revisions to Form EOIR-27, Entry of Appearance as Attorney/Representative Before BIA

      Hearings and Adjudications EOIR Proposed Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    3. September 17, 2020

      USCIS issues policy alert updating guidance on O visas

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. July 2020

    1. July 24, 2020

      ORR submits emergency approval for an information collection about services provided to unaccompanied minors

      MinorsDetention ORRHHS Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. June 2020

    1. June 29, 2020

      USCIS updates filing location for Forms I-918 and I-485 for applicants filing for U nonimmigrant status

      U/T/VAWANon-Immigrant VisasImmigrant Visas USCIS Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. May 2020

    1. May 11, 2020

      DHS restricts admission periods for Chinese journalists

      Non-Immigrant Visas CBPUSCIS Final/ActualReplaced Rule

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. April 2020

    1. April 27, 2020

      USCIS releases updated I-9 handbook for employers

      Employment Verification ICEUSCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    2. April 23, 2020

      COVID-19: ICE to test some immigrants for coronavirus before deportation

      Interior ICEDOS Reported Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    3. April 16, 2020

      COVID-19: ICE releases hundreds of immigrants from detention amid spread of coronavirus

      Detention ICE Final/Actual Agency DirectiveChange in Practice

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    4. April 7, 2020

      USCIS issues policy guidance on Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness law

      Immigrant Visas USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. March 2020

    1. March 23, 2020

      COVID-19: DHS and EOIR jointly announce rescheduling of MPP hearings

      Asylum, Withholding and CATHearings and Adjudications ICEEOIR Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Partially in effect

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