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21 Policy Actions

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Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
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Policies by Current Status
Action on Policies by
Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
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Policies by Current Status
Action on Policies by
Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
Policies by Year
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Trump Policy Actions
Sorted by date announced
  1. January 2021

    1. January 12, 2021

      DHS issues delegation vesting authority in Secretary Wolf to act on final rules, regulations, and other matters

      EnforcementHumanitarian DHS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    2. Current Status

      Not in effect
  1. November 2020

    1. November 24, 2020

      DOS imposes bond pilot program for business, tourists visas from certain countries

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Visitor Bureau of Consular AffairsICE Final/Actual Rule

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    2. November 6, 2020

      ICE puts up billboards in North Carolina featuring "at-large public safety threats"

      InteriorSanctuary Restrictions ICE Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Not in effect
  1. October 2020

    1. October 30, 2020

      POTUS declares November 1, 2020 "National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens"

      Enforcement Other Final/Actual Presidential Orders

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    2. October 13, 2020

      Unauthorized CBP operation in Guatemala relocates Honduran migrants to the Guatemala-Honduras border

      BorderAsylum, Withholding and CAT DOSDHSCBP Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    3. October 2, 2020

      ICE puts up billboards in Pennsylvania featuring "at-large immigration violators"

      InteriorSanctuary Restrictions ICE Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Not in effect
  1. September 2020

    1. September 23, 2020

      DHS issues a temporary rule requiring the use of USCIS-contracted telephonic interpreters in asylum interviews

      Asylum, Withholding and CATHearings and Adjudications USCIS Final/ActualExpired Rule
    2. September 15, 2020

      DOS publishes FAQ on J Visa Processing Under Presidential Proclamation 10052

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based Bureau of Consular AffairsDOS Final/Actual Agency Directive
    3. September 8, 2020

      Whistleblower alleges that DHS lied about border threats and safety in Central America

      BorderEnforcement DHS Reported Data and Reports

      Current Status

      Not in effect
  1. August 2020

    1. August 20, 2020

      Trump Cabinet officials voted in 2018 White House meeting to separate migrant children

      BorderAsylum, Withholding and CAT DHSDOJ Reported Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Not in effect
  1. June 2020

    1. June 22, 2020

      COVID-19: POTUS issues proclamation freezing certain nonimmigrant visas through the end of 2020

      Non-Immigrant Visas USCISDOLDOS Final/ActualIn Litigation Presidential Orders
  1. April 2020

    1. April 27, 2020

      COVID-19: DOS postpones Entrance Status Check for Diversity Visa applicants

      Immigrant Visas: Diversity CBPUSCISDOS Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    2. April 13, 2020

      COVID-19: USCIS announces delay in data entry and receipt notice generation for H-1B petitions

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Expired Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Not in effect
  1. March 2020

    1. March 30, 2020

      COVID-19: USCIS Continues Processing Applications for Employment Authorization Extension Requests Despite Closures

      Non-Immigrant VisasImmigrant Visas USCIS Expired Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    2. March 20, 2020

      COVID-19: DOL issues FAQ on Coronavirus effects, including extensions for filing periods

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-BasedImmigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/ActualExpired Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    3. March 17, 2020

      COVID-19: USCIS temporarily suspends in-person services

      Asylum, Withholding and CATCitizenship USCIS Rescinded Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    4. March 10, 2020

      COVID-19: Unaccompanied children not being held in CA, WA shelters

      Minors CBPORR Reported Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    5. March 6, 2020

      ICE requests redeployment of 500 HSI agents to increase arrests and surveillance in sanctuary cities

      InteriorSanctuary Restrictions ICECBPEOIRDHS Reported Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Not in effect
  1. July 2019

    1. July 24, 2019

      USCIS makes significant changes to EB-5 immigrant investor program

      Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISDHS Final/ActualIn LitigationReplaced Rule
  1. April 2019

    1. April 29, 2019

      President Trump issues memo proposing to tighten asylum rules

      Asylum, Withholding and CATBorder EOIRUSCISCBPAG Proposed Presidential Orders

      Current Status

      Not in effect

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