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31 Policy Actions

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Trump Policy Actions
Sorted by date announced
  1. March 2025

    1. Current Status

  1. January 2025

    1. Current Status

  1. January 2021

    1. January 7, 2021

      ORR proposes new information collection on mental health services for unaccompanied minors

      Minors ORR Proposed Forms and Information Collection
    2. January 5, 2021

      ORR proposes changes to application and agreement for sponsors of unaccompanied minors

      Minors ORR Proposed Forms and Information Collection
  1. December 2020

    1. December 11, 2020

      ORR proposes 3-year extension, revisions to Report Forms ORR-3 and ORR-4, for the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program

      MinorsRefugees ORR Proposed Forms and Information Collection
  1. November 2020

    1. November 25, 2020

      ORR proposes new data collection form for serious medical procedure requests

      Minors ORR Proposed Forms and Information Collection
    2. November 19, 2020

      ORR proposes new instruments for information collections relating to the care of unaccompanied children

      Minors ORR Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    3. November 9, 2020

      ORR proposes 3-year extension and changes to State Plan for Grants to States for Refugee Resettlement form

      MinorsRefugees ORR Proposed Forms and Information Collection
    4. November 4, 2020

      ORR proposes revised to ORR-5 form, Refugee Data Submission System for Formula Funds Allocations

      Refugees ORR Proposed Forms and Information Collection
  1. October 2020

    1. October 27, 2020

      POTUS reduces refugee admissions to 15,000 refugees for fiscal year 2021

      Refugees Bureau of Population, Refugees, and MigrationORRUSCIS Final/Actual Presidential Orders

      Current Status

      Not in effect
  1. July 2020

    1. July 24, 2020

      ORR proposes a new information collection regarding placement and transfer of UACs into ORR facilities

      MinorsDetention ORR Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection
    2. July 24, 2020

      ORR proposes new information collection about release of unaccompanied minors from ORR custody

      MinorsDetention ORR Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection
    3. July 24, 2020

      ORR submits emergency approval for an information collection about services provided to unaccompanied minors

      MinorsDetention ORRHHS Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
  1. April 2020

    1. April 16, 2020

      ORR proposes information collection to allow UAC Program to monitor care provider facility compliance

      MinorsDetention ORR Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection
  1. November 2019

    1. November 15, 2019

      EOIR issues guidance regarding child advocates in UAC hearings

      MinorsHearings and Adjudications EOIRORRICE Final/Actual Agency Directive
  1. September 2019

    1. September 26, 2019

      POTUS issues EO 13888, limiting refugee resettlement to states and localities consenting to receive refugees

      Refugees Bureau of Population, Refugees, and MigrationUSCISORRState & Local Entities Final/ActualIn LitigationEnjoined/Vacated Presidential Orders
  1. August 2019

    1. August 23, 2019

      Final Rule terminating Flores Agreement on detention of migrant children

      DetentionMinors ICEUSCISCBPORR Final/ActualIn LitigationEnjoined/Vacated Rule
  1. May 2019

    1. May 30, 2019

      HHS cancels funding for recreational activities in unaccompanied minor shelters

      MinorsDetention ORRICE Final/Actual Change in Practice
  1. January 2019

    1. January 24, 2019

      Reports of Trump Administration unlawfully detaining and deporting unaccompanied minor asylum-seekers

      BorderMinors ORRICECBP ProposedIn Litigation Change in Practice
  1. September 2018

    1. September 21, 2018

      Report that ICE arrests sponsors of unaccompanied minors

      InteriorMinors ICEORR Reported Change in Practice
  1. June 2018

    1. June 21, 2018

      CBP announces end to family separations based on border prosecutions

      Border CBPICEEOIRORRDOD Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    2. June 21, 2018

      DOD prepares to house 20,000 unaccompanied minors at military bases

      DetentionMinors ORRDOD Reported Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    3. June 20, 2018

      POTUS issues EO 13841, directing families to be detained together and seeking modification of Flores settlement.

      DetentionBorderMinors CBPICEORRDODEOIR Final/Actual Presidential Orders
  1. April 2018

    1. April 13, 2018

      ICE checking criminal backgrounds of each adult in the household of unaccompanied minors' sponsors

      InteriorMinorsBorder CBPICEORR Final/Actual Agency Directive

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