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120 Policy Actions

Policies by Current Status
Action on Policies by
Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
Policies by Year
Policies by Current Status
Action on Policies by
Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
Policies by Year
Policies by Current Status
Action on Policies by
Type of Action Affecting Trump-era Policies
Policies by Year
Trump Policy Actions
Sorted by date announced
  1. January 2021

    1. January 15, 2021

      DOL expands applicability to secondary employers of filing requirements for LCAs

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/Actual Agency Directive
    2. January 14, 2021

      DOL issues rule restructuring prevailing wage system, increasing minimums

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-BasedImmigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/ActualIn LitigationEnjoined/Vacated Rule
    3. January 14, 2021

      DHS updates penalties for employment violations in connection with D-1, H-1B, H-2A, and H-2B program

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-BasedWorkplace Enforcement DOL Final/Actual Rule

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    4. January 13, 2021

      DHS removes Mongolia, Samoa, and Tonga from countries eligible for H-2A and H-2B visas

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DHS Final/Actual Agency Directive
    5. January 11, 2021

      DOL issues direct final rule on e-filing and e-service for ARB proceedings

      Hearings and AdjudicationsNon-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/Actual Rule
    6. January 11, 2021

      DOL announces proposed rulemaking and direct final rule on e-filing and e-service for Office of Administrative Law Judges proceedings

      Hearings and AdjudicationsNon-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Proposed Rule
    7. January 8, 2021

      DHS issues rule for wage-based H-1B cap selection process

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/ActualEnjoined/Vacated Rule
    8. January 4, 2021

      DHS and DOL issue direct final rule extending DOL discretionary review to H-2B temporary labor certification cases

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-BasedLabor DHSDOL ProposedFinal/Actual Rule
  1. December 2020

    1. December 15, 2020

      DOL announces AEWR annual update for H-2A herding and livestock range workers

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOLUSCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. November 2020

    1. November 30, 2020

      USCIS provides new edition of Form I-905, Application for Authorization to Issue Certification for Health Care Workers

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. November 10, 2020

      DOL announces new system for electronic filings of appeals

      Hearings and AdjudicationsImmigrant Visas: Employment-BasedNon-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/Actual Change in PracticeForms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    3. November 5, 2020

      DOL issues final rule on Adverse Effect Wage Rate for H-2A agricultural laborers

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/ActualIn LitigationEnjoined/Vacated Rule
  1. October 2020

    1. October 22, 2020

      USCIS proposes revisions to the H-1B electronic registration tool

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Proposed Forms and Information Collection
    2. October 21, 2020

      DOS proposes rule ending "B-1 in lieu of H" policy

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-BasedNon-Immigrant Visas: Visitor Bureau of Consular Affairs Proposed Rule

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    3. October 15, 2020

      USCIS updates Policy Manual guidance on nonimmigrant cultural visitor (Q) visas

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    4. October 9, 2020

      DOS announces immediate moratorium on au pair exchange visitor program growth

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    5. October 8, 2020

      DHS issues interim final rule narrowing H-1B criteria

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISDOL Final/ActualIn LitigationEnjoined/VacatedRenewed Rule
    6. October 7, 2020

      DOS proposes revisions to J-1 visa waiver recommendation application

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based Bureau of Consular Affairs Proposed Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    7. October 1, 2020

      COVID-19: DOS provides information on national interest exceptions for certain travelers from Europe

      Non-Immigrant Visas: StudentNon-Immigrant Visas: Employment-BasedNon-Immigrant Visas: Visitor Bureau of Consular AffairsUSCIS Final/Actual Agency DirectivePresidential Orders

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    8. October 1, 2020

      POTUS signs spending measure expanding USCIS premium processing, extending expiring immigration programs

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-BasedImmigrant Visas: Employment-BasedEmployment Verification USCIS Final/Actual Legislation
  1. September 2020

    1. September 17, 2020

      USCIS issues policy alert updating guidance on O visas

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Partially in effect
    2. September 15, 2020

      DOS publishes FAQ on J Visa Processing Under Presidential Proclamation 10052

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based Bureau of Consular AffairsDOS Final/Actual Agency Directive
  1. May 2020

    1. May 29, 2020

      POTUS issues proclamation suspending entry of certain students and researchers from China

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-BasedNon-Immigrant Visas: Student CBPUSCISBureau of Consular Affairs Final/Actual Presidential Orders

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. May 26, 2020

      USCIS publishes instructions for electronic registration for H-1B cap sponsoring entities

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Agency DirectiveForms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    3. May 20, 2020

      DOL issues rule granting Secretary of Labor discretionary review of ARB and BALCA decisions

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-BasedImmigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/Actual Rule

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    4. May 14, 2020

      COVID-19: USCIS issues temporary final rule modifying H-2B requirements

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISDOL Final/Actual Rule

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    5. May 14, 2020

      USCIS publishes interim final rule implementing the Northern Mariana Islands U.S. Workforce Act

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Rule
    6. May 11, 2020

      COVID-19: USCIS issues temporary guidance for certain H-1B foreign medical graduates

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. April 2020

    1. April 20, 2020

      COVID-19: USCIS issues temporary final rule, lifting certain H-2A program limitations

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISDOL Final/ActualRenewed Rule

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. April 13, 2020

      COVID-19: USCIS announces delay in data entry and receipt notice generation for H-1B petitions

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Expired Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Not in effect
  1. March 2020

    1. March 26, 2020

      COVID-19: DOS informs medical professionals of continuing ability to request visa appointments

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISBureau of Consular Affairs Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. March 20, 2020

      COVID-19: USCIS announces temporary suspension of premium processing for I-129 and I-140 petitions

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Replaced Agency Directive
    3. March 20, 2020

      COVID-19: DOL issues FAQ on Coronavirus effects, including extensions for filing periods

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-BasedImmigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/ActualExpired Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Not in effect
    4. March 20, 2020

      COVID-19: USCIS announces flexibility in submitting required signatures during COVID-19 national emergency

      HumanitarianImmigrant VisasNon-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Change in Practice
    5. March 6, 2020

      USCIS requires FLAG system temporary labor certification final determination to be submitted with H-2A petition

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISDOL Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    6. March 6, 2020

      DOL delegates authority to the Secretary to review ARB decisions

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. February 2020

    1. February 28, 2020

      USCIS publishes updated guidance on H-2A petitions for sheep/goat herders

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. February 14, 2020

      USCIS Suspends H-1B Pre-Paid Mailer

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    3. February 10, 2020

      Trump's FY2021 budget proposal would double H-1B training fees

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISDOL Proposed Legislation

      Current Status

      Not in effect
  1. January 2020

    1. January 24, 2020

      iCERT system transitions to read-only in initial phase of decommissioning

      Immigrant Visas: Employment-BasedNon-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. January 23, 2020

      USCIS announces Iranian nationals are no longer eligible for E-1 or E-2 visas due to treaty termination

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based Bureau of Consular AffairsUSCIS Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    3. January 6, 2020

      DOL relaxes Wagner-Peyser requirements for states

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-BasedLabor DOL Final/Actual Rule
  1. December 2019

    1. December 19, 2019

      DOL announces AEWR annual update for H-2A herding and livestock range workers

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISDOL Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. November 2019

    1. November 15, 2019

      DOL & USCIS final rule eliminates print ads for H-2B recruitment

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISDOL Final/Actual Rule

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. November 8, 2019

      USCIS publishes final rule requiring $10 fee per registration for H-1B cap selection process

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCIS Final/Actual Rule
    3. November 7, 2019

      DOL authorizes electronic payment of H-2A violation penalties

      LaborNon-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/Actual Rule

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. October 2019

    1. October 31, 2019

      State Department clarifies standard of review for blanket L visa applications

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based USCISBureau of Consular Affairs Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. October 23, 2019

      OFLC issues FAQs on H-2A definition of "Agricultural Labor or Services"

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOL Final/Actual Agency Directive

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
  1. September 2019

    1. September 27, 2019

      U.S. and Honduras sign agreements on immigration enforcement and H-2 visa programs

      BorderNon-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DHSDOL Final/Actual Change in Practice

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect
    2. September 25, 2019

      DOL requests comment on proposed revisions to Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker (MSFW) Monitoring Report and Complaint/Apparent Violation Form

      Non-Immigrant Visas: Employment-Based DOLState & Local Entities Final/Actual Forms and Information Collection

      Current Status

      Fully in Effect

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